Client: Creative Scotland
Title: Evaluation of the Youth Music Initiative
Description: Our team evaluated the Youth Music Initiative which supports music in schools through £10 million funding each year. This included a retrospective evaluation looking back over ten year, involving case studies (some in school settings) and interviews with practitioners, local authority decision makers, parents and teachers. We then undertook three further annual evaluations, focused on impact and outcomes – particularly in relation to attainment.
Client: Scottish Government
Title: Evaluation of Edinburgh International Culture Summit
Description: We evaluated the Edinburgh International Culture Summit in 2018. This involved in depth discussion with the EICS staff team; volunteers at the event; international speakers; delegates from governments around the world, including very senior politicians and officials; young people involved in the event; and creative thinkers. We liaised with senior officials from across the UK involved in the Summit. Our evaluation focused on both the process of running the event, and the impact of the event on delegates and their practice.
Client: Creative Scotland
Title: Evaluation of Time to Shine
Description: We evaluated the impact of the Time to Shine strategy for Creative Scotland, working very closely in a participative way with the Young Arts Voice Scotland group. The young people involved in this group helped design the evaluation questions and method; came to our offices for work experience; attended case study visits and developed their research skills; and commented on the draft and final reports. We helped the young people to present our findings to the Minister, working with them to develop a presentation. We also evaluated TTS.Digital, the digital element of Creative Scotland’s Time to Shine programme.